Music of the '90s: check how well you know it

Music | Quizzes

Iconic bands that are experiencing a new wave of popularity today, the heyday of show business, staggering royalties, the emergence of boy bands, and girl bands that were conquering the world. The commercial success of Madonna and Britney Spears. And a parallel universe where Nirvana and Radiohead are praised. Take our quiz to find out how well you know '90s music!

CDs, tape recorders, a lot of synthetics, and the release of the movie whose name everyone knows, Pulp Fiction. The era of the '90s will always evoke Madonna, who topped the charts, Britney Spears, every song of which became an absolute hit, the heyday of pop culture, and at the same time a parallel development of rock.

In the 90's the popularity of alternative rock, in particular one of its directions - grunge - grew rapidly. And you will surely be able to name the brightest representatives of this style, and also answer our questions that will help you understand that you know more about the music of the 90's than you think you do!